How to play multiplayer on thehunter call of the wild pc
How to play multiplayer on thehunter call of the wild pc

how to play multiplayer on thehunter call of the wild pc how to play multiplayer on thehunter call of the wild pc

At it's current state, Way of the hunter is barely playable and really not recommended. The finished product however, lacks any polishing and should be in early access and development for at least six more months. Way of the hunter was supposed to be the "killer" of TheHunter: Call of the wild and the basics are here - stunning visuals, interesting Way of the hunter was supposed to be the "killer" of TheHunter: Call of the wild and the basics are here - stunning visuals, interesting gameplay, a lot of "realism". 8/10 purely based on how much i enjoy the experience so far. and the FOV CAN be adjusted, i'm not sure whether it has been fixed recently but that's not an issue for me like others have commented. Playing on my ultra wide curved monitor running on the best possible graphic setting has been AMAZING. The tracking takes s alot of patience and the graphic is great. But other than that I've had so much fun on this game. Especially when you zoom in and see that they look nothing like they look from afar.

how to play multiplayer on thehunter call of the wild pc

And i'm not sure if they purposely made certain bushes or branches look like animals fro afar to confuse you, but that is kind of annoying. Sound is buggy and it's annoying at times, I've had a couple of glitches here and there that took me out of my immersion. I've been playing this game for the last 2 days and yes there are bugs, but, based on my experiences so far, not to the extend of what is I've been playing this game for the last 2 days and yes there are bugs, but, based on my experiences so far, not to the extend of what is being described here in the reviews.

How to play multiplayer on thehunter call of the wild pc